Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So regular readers may remember that I have just moved into a house off-campus. It is a rather big adjustment, what with cooking and cleaning, not to mention adjusting to the idea of a commute to classes. As you can imagine, it's quite a bit to get used to. Of course a new house brings new habits!

I've written previously about my love of coffee but I've recently begun to appreciate the value of a nice cup of tea. I had never drunk tea until a few months ago when I was told green tea would have some great health benefits. I promptly went to one of those chain stores that sell looseleaf tea and infusers and bought a few varieties.

I didn't really enjoy the tea too much and figured it was just something I would have to adjust to over time. While travelling I was served peppermint tea as an alternative to the amazing smelling hot chocolate others had. I drank it and found I rather liked it.

With a return to studies, I assumed that I would also return to my coffee drinking habits although I am unable to find my coffee plunger. I did however find my stash of herbal teas that I grabbed one night while I lived on campus planning to try them eventually. On a stormy night last week I was cool and decided a tea would be lovely. There is a first for everything!

So here I am, loving tea. I'm sure as the assessment begins to pile up I will find my coffee plunger and coffee will once again reign supreme.

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