Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rest in Peace Highway Unicorn

So in typical Obiter Girl fashion, my ailing computer finally succumbed to death in the midst of exams. While I had most of my important documents backed up, there is no substitute for a working computer! As my laptop had been on it's last legs for some time, I had planned to upgrade to a new laptop at this point, although I was hoping it wouldn't be out of necessity. With four and a half years under it's belt, my poor laptop (known affectionately as Highway Unicorn) was well into old age and I had originally hoped that she would live until my eventual graduation. Apparently not.

Of course, in typical Obiter Girl fashion, my laptop died only 6 days after Apple's latest announcement, meaning there were long waiting lists for the gorgeous new Retina Macbook Pros. Of course!

In the end, I came up with a solution that means I will have the portability of a laptop (without having to wait a month or so!) and the power of a desktop! I've acquired an 11" Macbook Air and will be using it while away from home, while using an iMac at home... if I ever get around to getting one! Bonus: It works out cheaper than the new Retina Macbook Pros!

I'm ever so glad to be back in this century! At the same time that my computer was off-limits, my phone was being disobedient and failing to work. Of course. Luckily, I had my iPad so I wasn't entirely cut off from the world, but I was very close

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