Sunday, June 3, 2012

no one likes revision

So it's SWOTVAC or, as my university 'officially' calls it, 'revision week'. All of a sudden the library, where I get the bulk of my work done, has filled and I struggle to get my usual desk.

My usual desk is perfect - it's not one of the tiny work-desks, all lined up and barely enough room to put my laptop and a textbook, but it's not a wide open section of bench that means everyone else can see what I'm doing. It's also close to a powerpoint, meaning I can actually use my laptop which has a life-span of a whopping 45 minutes. I hate being out in the open where everyone else can see what I'm doing, but I also like to be able to see what others are doing. From my desk I can see if the library is emptying, usually a sign that it is time to leave.

While tempted to work hardcore for the stretch of this week, I know it won't happen. I am still recovering from a large essay for one of my subjects, only now submitted, and am absolutely exhausted. While I know it's better for me to work really hard now, leaving me with more time to actually study in the next few weeks, it won't happen. I'll still be working on my summaries as the exam nears. It happens every time and, to be honest, I'm not sure that I mind.

I know I'm better off if I don't have to work hard on a summary in the days leading to an exam, or that the best way to use my time is to work through problems. The thing is that I have taken this approach before. I have studied all day and all night through SWOTVAC, only to get into the exam and not know anything. I've taken the approach of using problems to study, rather than working on a concise summary. These things don't seem to work for me.

Instead, I relax during SWOTVAC. When I told my mum this, she almost had a heart attack! 'Don't tell me things like that' she said, telling me how sick that thought made her. I tried to explain that by 'relax' I don't mean chilling by a pool (or fireplace) sipping margaritas, rather that I work hard, but use some time to relax. I continue to watch TV occasionally and get sleep if I am tired. I basically approach it like any other week, just minus the classes.

The fact of the matter is, I'm going to get stressed in exam period no matter how prepared I am. I get stressed in exams and once thought it was a healthy level of stress that really helped me. Through my time at university, it's become more than that, to the point where I completely blank on exams, unable to remember a single thing. Instead of doing the smart thing when this happens, I've continued, happy to just 'make it up' and hope it's right. Surprisingly (or not), that does not work.

While I've worked out a way to deal with my in-exam stress through pre-exam meditation, I have realised that my exam stress is high when I have been hard-core during SWOTVAC. I'm not 100% sure why as this is a new theory, plus I'm not a psychology student, but I believe that by working way too much and putting so much pressure on working hard before exams I am under too much pressure and, as a result, I need to reduce the pressure. It may not be the best way to do it, but I feel 'relaxing' is the perfect way to do it.

My plan for this week:
  • property law study --> make sure to work on flash cards now, even though it is last exam. Try to put some focus on this subject
  • trusts law --> just try understanding. don't worry about how good the notes are now, just understand it. Will put more of a focus on the notes after medical law exam
  • medical law --> notes needed. already familiar with most of the content and have all the knowledge from closed book mid-semester, so just look over some things in textbook this week. Start notes towards end of the week
  • visit grandparents (friday maybe?)
  • dinner with cousins (next sunday)
  • go to gym a few times --> take ipad and drill flashcards on treadmill
  • cooking - dad will be in town so won't need dinner a few nights this week. Must try to work out what to cook with the accidental veal purchase. Also try making chocolate banana oatmeal
  • play guitar and start working on lyrics for friend's birthday parody
I'm almost positive that my plan for the week is significantly different to the plans of others. I've tried not to share it with too many people as they probably think I'm crazy for doing so little study. While it's still quite a bit and I still will have little time 'free', I'm making time for relaxing activities (gym, guitar, grandparents, dinner with family etc) and putting importance on those things. If I put the focus and importance on the non-study related things, hopefully I won't succumb to the stress of exams. Hopefully

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