About Me

If you've somehow stumbled onto this little blog of mine, welcome!  I'm Obiter Girl, an Australian law student constantly searching for answers.  I have a love of English Literature and Politics and, let's be honest, am a bit of a nerd.  I'm living the college lifestyle and loving every minute of it!

Why Obiter Girl? Obiter dictum is latin for 'said in passing' and refers to judge's observations that don't necessarily form part of the judgement, often referred to as Obiter. My name takes this as I have a lot to say, much of it not pertinent but all of it interesting (at least I'd like to think so).

Outside of my studies I have a number of interests ranging from playing music to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I'm a real Whedon fan!). I'm also a huge comic nerd!

While I don't have a crystal ball (not yet anyway!), one can expect me to be writing about law school, life and general observations of society, and the college lifestyle.

Why should you become a regular reader of my blog? Well Survive Law listed me in their List of Australia's Best Law Student Blogs! Yes, I did just make it obvious that I was listed.

To contact me, email obitergirl@live.com or comment on any of my posts. I will always try to respond, depending on how much work I have at the time. Chances are the more work I have, the quicker I'll get back to you.

If you want to be part of my Blawg Roll, drop me a line and I'll add you. I'd love to be on yours as well!

I am not a lawyer and am not giving anyone legal advice here. This blog is for entertainment purposes.