Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lawyer Jokes

We all love them, right?

The senior partner replied in haste,
"Appeal immediately."
"You're a cheat!" shouted the attorney to his opponent.
"And you're a liar!" bellowed the opposition.
Banging his gavel loudly,  the judge
interjected, "Now that both attorneys 
have been identified for the record, 
let's get on with the case."


  1. hehe.. yep, can't beat them.

    And while, I'm at it:

    A man goes into a blacksmiths for a job and the blacksmith asks if he's got any experience in shooing horses.

    The man thinks about it for a while and then answers,
    "No, but I once told a donkey to fu*k off!"

  2. Haha! I can't stop laughing at your joke Michael!


What do you think?